O. Saygın Merdinler
From: O. Saygın MERDİNLER
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 22:55 PM
Subject: Ultra Anchor
When we joined East Mediterranean Yacht Rally with S/Y TAY, we were excited and curious about using the Ultra Anchor and Ultra Swivel, which we bought at the Istanbul Boat Show 2007, for the first time.
We had successful anchoring at each of 5 countries that we had been and stayed safe.
We had seen that the products have the all functions told us at the show.
As much as the quality of the products, we also thank to the YUCEL family for their warm interest away from commercial anxiety which is proper to sailors.
Translation: Erkutay YUCEL
(P.S.: You can find Saygin MERDINLER’s original turkish message in turkish part.)
When we joined East Mediterranean Yacht Rally with S/Y TAY, we were excited and curious about using the Ultra Anchor and Ultra Swivel, which we bought at the Istanbul Boat Show 2007, for the first time.
We had successful anchoring at each of 5 countries that we had been and stayed safe.
We had seen that the products have the all functions told us at the show.
As much as the quality of the products, we also thank to the YUCEL family for their warm interest away from commercial anxiety which is proper to sailors.
Translation: Erkutay YUCEL
(P.S.: You can find Saygin MERDINLER’s original turkish message in turkish part.)
From: O. Saygın MERDİNLER To:
[email protected] Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 22:55 PM Subject: Ultra Anchor